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Edmonds announces new ‘Fix It’ mobile app to report issues

The City of Edmonds is launching Fix It Edmonds. It’s a mobile phone engagement application that enables residents to connect with the city using their smartphone to report issues they may encounter.

“Fix It Edmonds gives residents a convenient and direct way to communicate issues they see in our community — in real time — while they are out and about,” said Mayor Mike Nelson. “Our crews work hard to keep Edmonds safe and beautiful. This app will provide our staff with helpful information, like photos and locations, enhancing the City’s ability to fix these problems.”

Residents can submit reports on a variety of common issues, like potholes, overgrown vegetation, parks maintenance situations, graffiti and more. This platform also simplifies the service request process for city staff, allowing them to easily track the issue and communicate a project’s status with residents.

The app is available for both iPhone and Android users. From your phone, visit bit.ly/FixItEdmonds to download the app. For laptop and desktop users, an online submission form for Fix It Edmonds is also available on the city website.

You can see the promotional video that explains how the app works on YouTube here.

Read the full news article at myedmondsnews.com/

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