(925) 456-4468


Support center

West Covina, CA
"Throughout my career, I have used many types of code enforcement software programs but cannot recommend anyone higher than GOGov. Their software expertise has made a tremendous impact on the success of our Code Enforcement Division."
"Throughout my career I have used many types of code enforcement software programs but cannot recommend anyone higher than GOGov. Their software expertise has made a tremendous impact on the success of our Code Enforcement Division."
Milan M. Mrakich
City of West Covina

"Throughout my career I have used many types of code enforcement software programs but cannot recommend anyone higher than GOGov. Their design software expertise coupled with an amazing collaborative and innovative spirit has made a tremendous impact on the success of our Code Enforcement Division. The program has provided staff with the ability to greatly increase productivity and quality of work. In just two years we have grown our division from just one employee to over fifteen. The GOGov code enforcement program has also been recognized by City Management for the unlimited types of reports that we can generate for the City Council and general public.  

I highly recommend GOGov to any City interested in improving their code enforcement division."

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