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Dayton, OR launches "My Dayton" citizen engagement mobile app
Customer launches

Dayton, OR has recently launched a new citizen request management solution powered by GOGov. The new solution allows citizens to make service requests via a mobile app, My Dayton. The app enables residents to connect with the city and is available for download in the App Store and Google Play online stores. The new solution also simplifies the service request process for the city staff, allowing them to easily track the issue and communicate with citizens.

In the app, residents will find:

  • Links to the website
  • A tool for reporting hazards & registering complaints
  • News & updates
  • Ongoing events
  • And more...

About Dayton, OR

Dayton is an authentic, family-friendly small town with deep historic roots and cultural diversity surrounded by rich agriculture. The city is a vibrant place to live, work, and play.  There is a strong sense of community in Dayton where people value creativity, health, and learning.

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